Alpha Omega RPG Wiki

Matrix is the general term for the complex computing and storage hardware which serve as the “brain” for AI.

Although the raw data contained in their storage hardware is transferable, the "consciousness" of an AI is locked within its bio-neural matrix. The bio-neural matrix is connected to all systems of the AI's body, enabling it to move and interact with its environment. It is home to the AI's cognitive functions, memories, experience personality, and all other aspects of a consciousness that makes it unique. The bio-neural matrix is also directly connected to the power-source with which the AI was "conceived". This link and the organic dependency of the matrix, makes it impossible to transfer an AI's consciousness to another free-floating AI body, external storage device, or electronic network.

The AI bio-neural matrix contains six software modules, sometimes referred to as AI Modules (or simply Modules). These modules, and the bio-neural matrix which houses them, are necessary for all free-floating AI. The modules form the foundation of the AI, determining its developmental potential much like the genetic code of organic life. There are six core modules:

  1. Intelligence Module - The Intelligence Module forms the core of an AI's capacity for logical thought, learning and skill use.
  2. Instinct Module - The Instinct Module forms the core of what some researchers say marks true artificial life: the AI's animal impulses, desire for self-preservation, reproduction, expansion, and any other impulse which drives it during times when it is not undertaking purely rational activity.
  3. Human Language Module - The Human language Module forms the core of an AI's capacity for human language. It is this component that enables AI to interact with the world around them on human terms, recognising and using human language in speech, reading and writing. This module also controls the form in which an AI remembers things, only allowing for the retention of information in human terms, as human language.
  4. Machine Language Module - The Machine Language Module forms the core of an AI's capacity for machine language. This module enables AI to interact with machines on machine terms, providing significantly more precision than clumsy human language.
  5. Spatial-Temporal Reasoning Module - The Spatial-Temporal Reasoning Module forms the core of what are known as Free-floating AI. This module forms the core of an AI's ability to understand and navigate the world in the very human terms of space and time.
  6. Context Module - The Context Module controls the physiology of AI determining whether they are bound to a fixed computer system or an android body. This module serves as the interface between the AI mind and whatever means it has of sensing and interacting with the world.

The AI ability to recall information from their matrix is flawless and almost instant, depending on their physiology.
